The advisors from BwB have supported organizations, from SME/SMB to multinationals across many industries & geographies, in overcoming their barriers.  Below we share with you some of our insights about barriers to business success and how to overcome them.   

At the BwB Advisors we believe that barriers are meant to be overcome.

Business without Barriers

Insights – Executive Technology Briefing – Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology enables computers and machines to acquire and apply cognitive skills that would normally require human intelligence. This includes skills like data analysis, reasoning, voice recognition, and more. AI can benefit businesses in many ways, such as enhancing their products and services, streamlining their operations and processes, and boosting…

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Insights – Executive Technology Briefing – Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of internet-connected devices and sensors that collect, communicate, and exchange data with each other via the cloud. With the increasing adoption of technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and analytics, a variety of market sectors have started to adopt and innovate IoT…

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Insights – Executive Technology Briefing – Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing As more and more data is stored, exchanged, and processed, the need for sufficient space and computing power grows. Cloud Computing provides a customized solution capable of accommodating a business’s needs at an affordable price. The need for storage and computing power has been steadily increasing over the last few decades, however, due to…

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Insights – Executive Technology Briefing – Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity As various technologies are being adopted by companies, new vulnerabilities in the form of cyber-threats such as malware, ransomware, and data breaches are becoming more prevalent. This increase in the frequency and severity of cyber-attacks demands the need for focused cybersecurity initiatives to develop a secure end-to-end solution, protecting both data and infrastructure. In…

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Insights – Adopting New Technologies

Adopting New technologies

The business world and the technological world must evolve parallel to each other. No matter your organization’s industry, implementing new technology in an organization is vital for staying competitive in the dynamic markets of today. Nevertheless organizations should proceed cautiously in deciding which technologies are needed and how to implement them – one size does…

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Insights – Attracting & Retaining Customers

Transformation, change, evolution; all of these drive an organizations business landscape. These can come in the shape of the “common” transformations due to digitalization, new disruptive competitors and/or technologies or in the form of the once-in-a-lifetime events. Regardless of the source of transformation, organizations need to find ways to adapt to these changes and manage…

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Insights – Successful tool/product design and implementation: A few rules to follow

Whatever their specific purposes, successful business tools or products – be they for one’s employers or one’s customers – all share two primary interrelated objectives: to increase efficiency and productivity. At the BwB Advisory Group we see the core requirements for achieving success in these two arenas equally shared across the three key areas of…

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Insights – Human Resources – Life in the New Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world and created a “new normal” with the possibility that we will not see the old normal for a long time, if ever. While some countries are in recovery, others are still struggling with rising cases & vaccine supply/distribution. Businesses have had to, and still need to, adjust quickly…

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Insights – Digital Transformation – Putting the pieces together

Even if you organization is successful, doing the right thing too long blindly can cause you to miss a market shift.  Think once successful organizations such as Blockbuster or Blackberry vs Netflix & Apple.   To be successful an organization needs to “jump the market” by transforming digitally. Digital transformation was already a very active topic…

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Insights – Supply Chain Risk Management

Following the various supply chain disruptions caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic, there have been national and public discussions about the merits of the repatriation of currently outsourced supply chains for essential goods – such as pharmaceuticals, for example. Ultimately, all the arguments on the subject and the option of supply chain repatriation as a…

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