Business Development

A primary goal for most organizations, from SME/SMB to multinational, is to expand their business into new markets; either geographical or vertical.  This is one of the key items that fuels an organization's growth. As an organization expands, its business complexity grows and internal, as well as, external issues emerge creating barriers to their business success.

BwB is here to help overcome these barriers.  We provide detailed solutions to the demanding problems in the areas of:



The Go-To-Market strategy outlines how an organization will generate revenue – it is a plan that clearly states how you will sell your product/service, why people will buy it, which people will buy it, which channels to use and what efforts are needed to meet the organizational objectives, near-, mid- and long-term.

Regardless of whether you are a regional or an international company looking to move into new geographical or vertical markets, BwB guides you.  We help you understand the intricacies of doing business in new markets and the mistakes to avoid.  Strategically BwB can pin-point key markets, potential partners, as well as, customers. 


Near Shore Outsourcing

Regardless if your needs are for shared service centers, support services or development teams, having access to additional talent pools and flexible scaling are critical for organizations that want to innovate and succeed with their IT investment. Even if you have a strong core team, extra capabilities with favorable costs will help you reach your milestones faster and more easily stay within budget. This with the added benefit of a talent pool who speaks your local language be it English, German or something else.

BwB advisors are perfectly positioned to analyze your current situation, recommend appropriate near-shore models (extended team vs. managed team vs. full outsourcing) and help identify the best near-shore partners to engage with.


Inorganic Growth (M&A) and Post-Merger Integration (PMI)

Organizational growth comes in two forms: internal organic growth and external inorganic growth through Mergers or Acquisitions.  A Merger or Acquisition is a method that an organization can use to grow and also to fast track entry into a new vertical or geographical market.  Inorganic growth brings its own barriers as an organization tries to locate a suitable transaction partner, review the viability through both financial & operational due diligence, negotiate the terms of the transaction and once the transaction is completed the critical aspect of a full and successful integration.  Without a successful Post-Merger Integration (PMI) the full value of the Merger or Acquisition will not be realized.

BwB guides you through the breadth & depth of the PMI process - reviewing organizational structures, cultural & language differences, business processes and supporting IT systems.  We identify potential areas of concern, layout a clear path forward and execute on the critical Post-Merger Integration (PMI) of the organizations.


Partnerships & Strategic Alliances

Sales channels vary depending on the product portfolio and target customer:

  • Pure-play inbound marketing

  • Comprehensive partner program

  • Hybrid channel plan

  • Omnichannel strategy

BwB identifies the right one by understanding how your business operates. Through an assessment of the organization, the channels, partners and eco-system are selected to maximize coverage and penetration of your target market.

Additionally, when establishing partners and channels, a strategy must be implemented that benefits both parties. BwB enables this to happen in a time-frame to suit your plans for growth.



The acquisition of industry recognized technology and quality control certifications around your products/services improves an organization's market position.  Through technology certification such as those from AWS or Microsoft Azure, the organization becomes acknowledged as an industry expert and leader in the area. While through quality management certifications, achieves measurable improvements in client confidence, product/service satisfaction, market recognition and process efficiencies, among others.

Special expertise is needed to obtain these certifications and implement quality controls on time & without burdening resources.  BwB advisors possess the required knowledge & experience to drive these initiatives, establish Key Performance Indicators, and gain the benefits of both technology and quality management certifications.


Business Process Optimization

In every organization, many different processes are carried out daily (hire/fire, sales, collections, payments, purchasing, etc.) and unless they are streamlined in the right manner, it could lead to wasted resources – be it time, money or staff. Organizations do not hesitate to hire the best employees or invest in infrastructure; they upgrade hardware & software regularly to help the workforce but often too little attention is given to business processes themselves and the inefficiencies which they have. These inefficiencies exist in all organizations but are particularly acute in organizations experiencing rapid organic or inorganic growth.

The advisors at BwB are here to help you with the process inefficiencies & harmonization across different departments/entities. We review your organization's current operations with an eye towards efficiency gains through streamlining and, where appropriate, automation. We leverage a 4-stage process of:

  • Assessment & issue identification

  • Adjustment

  • Implementation

  • Review & monitoring


Finance & Accounting

As an organization expands into new markets, delivers new products/services, or performs a merger or acquisition, the complexity associated with the Finance & Accounting areas expands as well.  New challenges need to be considered:

  • Reporting and ERP system harmonization

  • Moving from local reporting guidelines (such as HGB) to international guidelines (IFRS or US GAAP)

  • Implementing new financial requirements or an internal control system

  • Control of intercompany charges

  • Managing VAT recovery from different countries

Not doing so could result in lost profits, expose the organization to audit risks & fines, as well as, wasted resources. 

BwB advisors are experienced in these and other Finance & Accounting topics having dealt with many regional & international organizations during expansion.   We have addressed the issues which can occur & have a defined process to avoid them. BwB guides you how to overcome Finance & Accounting issues and streamline finance processes before, during or after an organization's expansion.


Human Resources

People are an organization's most vital asset and managing these important resources is increasingly challenging, both locally & internationally, with no two markets the same. 

BwB and its “Strategic People Solutions” helps organizations – both large & small – to master human resources' challenges.  We are the strategic partner that accelerates positive change and enables management to bring HR to a higher level of effectiveness in any one of the following centers of excellence:

  • Digital on-boarding & employee training

  • Remote (home office) resource management & enablement

  • Employee relations & internal communication

  • Employee engagement

  • HR project management

  • Labor relations (works council advisory services)

  • Policy & procedure development

  • Talent life-cycle management (on-boarding, performance management, talent reviews, career path)

  • Total reward programs

Reach out for a free consultation